Cr Pav Khaira dental implant dentist

Guided Implant Surgery

Here’s the problem with a lot of extremely high quality knowledge. It forces you to set higher standards. My work is dedicated completely to implants, meaning I don’t do any other kind of work. I’m extremely confident with surgery and this is reflected in my training academy and mentoring for other implant dentists.


What does this mean for you? Quite simply it means I’m more expensive than average. But I don’t give average results or perform treatment like average. To that extent, the vast majority of my work is now done using digitally planned, fully guided surgery. I would not have an implant placed without guided surgery.


This type of surgery completely eliminates the guesswork out of implants as everything is planned beforehand. Implant dentists often use a surgical guide, this is VERY different to fully guided surgery. A guide gives a ballpark position of the implant which can vary by up to 2mm even with a good surgeon. This will give an ok result! I wouldn’t have ok in my mouth, only the very best.


Fully guided implant surgery requires a significant amount of planning ‘behind the scenes’ looking at every aspect of the implant surgery and the tooth which will be secured to it.



Guided surgery makes the process significantly safer for you.


The planning process requires input from several professionals working together to analyse every aspect of your treatment. Traditionally, the only question often asked is ‘is there enough bone to place an implant?’ and the rest of the process is less important, and this can cause problems further down the line.


Things aren’t always what they seem on the surface.


Guided surgery allows us to analyse proximity to critical structures such as nerves, blood vessels and sinuses. Your implant is then planned and treatment executed safely and with an extremely high degree of precision.

Reducing Surgery Time

Very simply, pre-planned and performed to the highest level of precision possible.


It means less surgery time, as you do not need to quadruple check every aspect during the treatment.

Reducing Complications

The very best surgeons can struggle to get things perfect.


This may be because of any number of reasons. There is a VERY big difference between adequate and excellent. An excellent implant placement means excellent tooth, this means excellent health and excellent longevity. Many medium to long term complications can be avoided by the highest level accuracy at the start of treatment.

Keyhole Surgery

It’s often possible to undertake surgery much less invasively.


This means a more comfortable procedure and rapid healing for you.

Fewer Appointments

Work smarter, not harder.


Instead of multiple appointments because we have ‘a decent idea’ of what we are doing, we go in with utter confidence, we know exactly what we are doing. This often streamlines the process and means fewer appointments, especially in complex treatments.


The question you really need to ask yourself if do you want acceptable or the very best possible?

Which Guided System do I use?

Guided surgery and the 2Ingis system is for patients who want only the very best.


There are many, MANY guided systems out there. Some are ok and others are exceptional. After much research I decided to implement the 2Ingis guided system predominantly because of the incredible accuracy and that it is the ONLY guided system on the planet verified by the Clean Implant Foundation, an organisation aimed at ensuring the highest standards of sterilisation and cleanliness in the field of implantology. This system is one of the most expensive available, and the reason this is important is some guided systems don’t allow adequate cooling and can cause bone damage.


The 2Ingis system gives the most precise results and zero bone damage.